Chris Cote's Golf Shop

Short Game Clinic - Focusing on 100 yds & in

Hit your wedges too high & struggle to control distance?

This 90-minute clinic is designed to help you get a better understanding of how set-up will influence strike. Short game shots have a myriad of attack angles & club paths which all result in different trajectories/spin rates.  We'll work on developing a stock shot that can get you on the green as fast as possible. 

During this clinic, Kevin or Dennis will educate and demonstrate for 30 minutes & then you'll have time to put the new movements to the test. We can all take out a 4 iron & hit a low bump & run but being able to pull off the same shot with your most lofted wedge will act as a springboard to start compressing irons. We will also have our full selection of wedges on hand for your to try. 


  • Angle of Attack
  • Grip
  • Set-up
  • Using the leading edge compared to the bounce
  • Body movements/when to use levers


This clinic will be held at the Chris Cotes Golf Shop in Portland, CT

(750 Portland-Cobalt Road, Portland CT)

If you have any questions or are interested in one-on-one coaching, please reach out to Kevin at or Dennis at


